From Domain Boundaries to Software Architecture

Room 1
15:00 - 16:00

Talk (60 min)

For years, architects and developers have raved about loose coupling. We’ve all suffered from working with big balls of mud where changes are risky and expensive, and we know that loose coupling is the key to making changes safely and quickly. Whether you are building monoliths or microservices, the key to loose coupling is identifying which things change together and grouping them together in code.

To confidently identify things that change together, it’s necessary to look at the business domain, and identify which business concepts change together when implementing new product features. These domain boundaries become the blueprint of a loosely-coupled software architecture.

This practical talk will show how you can map out a business domain, organize it into subdomains, and design a software architecture aligned to the domain boundaries. The talk will cover a range of tools and techniques from the Domain-Driven Design space, including Event Storming, Domain Message Flow Modelling, the Bounded Context Canvas, and Core Domain Charts.

Maxime Sanglan-Charlier

20 years in software development and not even a wrinkle (or almost not). Curious by nature, I am always on the lookout for anything that can make us more efficient as an individual, as a team or within an organization.
I’m co-organizing the amazing Newcrafts conference ( and also co-founder of the Nantes Software Crafters Meetup (

Nick Tune

Nick works with product and technology leaders to map strategy, model domains, design architecture and build continuous delivery teams while helping to deliver successful business outcomes. He is the author of Architecture Modernization (Manning), and Principles and Practices of Domain-Driven Design (Wrox).